Lilies and Foliage Bouquet
Lilies and Foliage Bouquet
A classic collection with Longiflorum, or white oriental lilies, combined with velvety pussy willow and fragrant Eucalptus.
Presented as a long stemmed bouquet, to be arranged at home, which will look elegant anywhere in a tall vase.
DELIVERY: You can either collect your order from our flower shop in Ilkley, Yorkshire or we delivery locally within 15 miles of our shop. Please sell a full list of towns and post codes we deliver to here.
PLEASE NOTE: That due to the seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown.
Our skilled florists may substitute flowers for ones similar in style, quality and value. Where our designs include a sundry item such as a vase, basket or other container, it may not always be possible to provide the exact item shown. In that instance we will use a suitable alternative.
Based in Ilkley, Yorkshire we deliver to:
Addingham, Askwith, Beamsley, Ben Rhydding, Bolton Abbey, Burley-in-Wharfedale, Broughton, Burley Woodhead, Cringles, Clifton, Denton, Draughton, Eastby, Embsay, Farnley, Gargrave, Guiseley, Ilkley, Langbar, Leathley, Menston, Middleton, Nesfield, Otley, Pool, Silsden, Skipton, Timble, Weeton & Weston.